Finnish presidential elections 2024 in social media, source

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Suomen presidentinvaalit 2024 sosiaalisessa mediassa, lähdemateriaali


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This resource will be available for download in Kielipankki – the Language Bank of Finland.

The corpus includes social media posts from six different social media services (Twitter/X, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube) and comments left under news items from Helsingin Sanomat and The dataset includes all messages posted by the nine presidential candidates on their public accounts during the election campaign from January to February 2024, as well as general election discussion from Twitter/X and news comments. The data includes the username, nickname, time of posting, text content of the message, any images and links attached to the message, the url of the original message, and platform-specific data on the popularity metrics of the message. In addition, technical information such as image size and language of the message.

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