Corpus of Contemporary American English - Kielipankki VRT version 2020

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Corpus of Contemporary American English - Kielipankin VRT-versio 2020


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The resource is available for download in Kielipankki – the Language Bank of Finland.

This most recent version of Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA), released in March 2020, contains 1 billion words and 485,000 texts from the years 1990-2019. The corpus is evenly divided into spoken, fiction, magazine, newspaper, academic, blogs, web pages and TV/movies subtitles (~125 million words each). It is related to many other corpora of English, formerly known as the "BYU Corpora".

This version of the resource is in the VRT format.

License details: Researchers in the FIN-CLARIN member organizations can obtain access to the full data set by submitting an application and a research plan via Language Bank Rights, General terms and conditions: please see

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