Donate Speech Corpus: Sample

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Lahjoita puhetta -aineisto: Näyte


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This resource is available for download in Kielipankki - The Language Bank of Finland.

The resource contains a small sample selected from the Donate Speech Corpus. The sample is made available for companies for evaluation purposes.

The sample set contains 40 audio files and the corresponding transcripts, randomly selected from the resource "Donate Speech Corpus: Test data (10h)". The total duration of the speech recordings in the sample is 35 minutes (0,58 hours).

Age statistics (according to what the speakers reported):
1-10: 0.10 minutes, 0.3% 11-20: 1.93 minutes, 5.6%
21-30: 3.15 minutes, 9.1%
31-40: 8.37 minutes, 24.2%
41-50: 10.11 minutes, 29.3%
51-60: 3.46 minutes, 10.0%
61-70: 1.11 minutes, 3.2%
71-80: 2.07 minutes, 6.0%
81-90: 0.28 minutes, 0.8%
91-100: 0.00 minutes, 0.0%
101+: 0.00 minutes, 0.0%
not reported: 3.96 minutes, 11.5%

Dialect background stats:
Ahvenanmaa: 0.00 minutes, 0.0%
Etelä-Karjala: 0.00 minutes, 0.0%
Etelä-Pohjanmaa: 2.05 minutes, 5.9%
Etelä-Savo: 3.02 minutes, 8.7%
Häme: 1.41 minutes, 4.1%
Kainuu: 3.30 minutes, 9.6%
Keski-Pohjanmaa: 0.00 minutes, 0.0%
Keski-Suomi: 1.22 minutes, 3.5%
Kymenlaakso: 0.25 minutes, 0.7%
Lappi: 1.81 minutes, 5.2%
Pirkanmaa: 1.92 minutes, 5.5%
Pohjanmaa: 3.45 minutes, 10.0%
Pohjois-Karjala: 0.86 minutes, 2.5%
Pohjois-Pohjanmaa: 2.85 minutes, 8.3%
Pohjois-Savo: 0.00 minutes, 0.0%
Päijät-Häme: 0.53 minutes, 1.5%
Satakunta: 1.37 minutes, 4.0%
Uusimaa: 2.98 minutes, 8.6%
Varsinais-Suomi: 2.48 minutes, 7.2%
not Finnish: 0.00 minutes, 0.0%
not reported: 5.06 minutes, 14.7%

Topic stats:
Eläinystävät: 11.11 minutes, 32.1%
Urheiluhetket: 5.14 minutes, 14.9%
Lähelläni juuri nyt: 3.48 minutes, 10.1%
Sukella kesään: 7.42 minutes, 21.5%
Kirottu korona: 5.92 minutes, 17.1%
Mediataidot lukio: 0.49 minutes, 1.4%
Mediataidot 8-9 lk.: 0.47 minutes, 1.4%
Mediataidot 4-6 lk.: 0.00 minutes, 0.0%
K-18: 0.00 minutes, 0.0%
Luonto, sää ja mää: 0.53 minutes, 1.5%

Gender stats:
female: 0.24 hours, 41.9%
male: 0.26 hours, 44.7%
other: 0.01 hours, 2.0%
not_reported: 0.07 hours, 11.5%

Native language stats:
Finnish: 0.50 hours, 86.3%
other: 0.01 hours, 2.0%
not_reported: 0.07 hours, 11.8%

Recording device stats:
phone: 0.12 hours, 21.3%
pc: 0.45 hours, 78.7%

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